Hello, what location are you looking for today?...

Locality is a trusted, forward-thinking, and responsive location agency with years of property management experience. Our extensive location library is used by location managers and creatives to find property for film, television, commercial advertising, online content, photoshoots, event and venue hire throughout London and the UK.

Our Services

Our library offers a wide range of diverse, vibrant, and film-friendly locations. The Locality team comprises expert location finders with backgrounds in the film and property sectors. Equipped with a keen photographic eye, we are dedicated to fulfilling your brief with intelligent and thoughtful responses, ensuring that we meet your specific needs with precision and creativity.


What do you need?

Are you looking for build space, outdoor locations, or a modern family home? Do you have specific requirements such as hard standing or proximity within the M25 area? Search our extensive library to find what you need, or contact us today with a brief and our team will get your project moving.

We understand the production process and are always on hand to provide support and advice to ensure your shoot runs as smoothly as possible. This allows you to concentrate on what you do best—being creative. 

Corporate clients